Former Sikh Slams RCMP and MPs for Participating in Parade Glorifying Khalistani Terrorists Assassins, suicide bombers, and Talwinder Singh Parmar, a suspect in Canada's worst terror attack, were among those glorified as martyrs in a parade in Calgary, Alberta, in which Canadian police and politicians participated.
Who were some of the terrorists glorified as 'shaheed' at the event in which @RCMPAlberta, @CanadianForces, Calgary Mayor @JyotiGondek, Liberal MP @ChahalGeorge, and Conservative MP @jasrajshallan
Babbar Khalsa:
Recognized as a terror organization by Canada.
Talwinder Singh Parmar:
Founder of Babbar Khalsa & the suspected mastermind of Canada's worst terror attack that killed more than 300 people.
Harjinder Singh Jinda:
Assassin of high-profile Indian politicians and military.
Dilawar Singh Babbar:
Suicide Bomber who killed the chief minister of Punjab, India.
In addition to their participation in the parade that glorified terrorists, the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, and Calgary Police also set up tents to recruit new members from the event.
Following this scandal that occurred on the weekend, I interviewed former Sikh Bob Rai to understand why Canadian police and politicians can't keep at arm's length from Khalistani extremists.
"Any politician who participated in these parades should be removed," he urges.