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Turkish Presidential Candidate Kılıçdaroğlu Accuses Russia of Perpetrating Blackmail

Writer's picture: Mocha BezirganMocha Bezirgan

With only three days left until the crucial presidential election in Turkey, one of the candidates has withdrawn from the race. The presidential candidate of the Nation's alliance, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, has accused Russia of perpetrating blackmail.

In a tweet, Kılıçdaroğlu blamed Russia for the recent montages, traps, Deep Fake content, and tapes that were revealed in the country and warned them to keep their hands off the Turkish state if they want the friendship to continue after the election.

Who is really behind the tapes?

President Erdoğan has speculated that Kılıçdaroğlu is behind the blackmailing. Meanwhile, Muharrem İnce, the candidate who ran for the presidential elections in 2018 for the Nation's alliance, has stated that his withdrawal is to prevent vote-splitting and being blamed for a potential Erdoğan victory.


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